Fairway Drainage

Fairway Drainage, Diablo Country Club
Fairway drainage is our “meat and potatoes”. For over 20 years, we have offered golf courses an alternative to closing their golf course and rebuilding it in order to drain it. The systems developed at TDA give golf courses the ability to drain their golf courses to the depth that is necessary to firm up fairways in even the worst soils. More photos >>

Greens Drainage

Greens drainage is retrofitted with a process that amazes even the most particular course. This process puts the green back in play the day after completion of work on a surface so smooth that it can be mowed without any significant scalping. Within two weeks of completion, 90% of all damage is gone. This process can be done to one or all 18 greens, depending on the club’s needs and budgets.  More photos >>

New Construction

New construction on golf courses can benefit from the superior design of the products at Turf Drainage Company of America. The patented Perma Basins give the architect an opportunity to leave the golf course superintendent with a system that can be easily added to after construction.

Bunker Renovation

Drainage is a key factor when building a quality bunker that is playable, maintainable, and aesthetically pleasing. Turf Drain™ seepage pipe can be used with any bunker liner or bunker style. Turf Drain™ has 45 times the collection space of 4†perforated pipe per linear foot. Many clubs and Superintendents have chosen the Bunker Solution system as their liner of choice, and have had great success in using Turf Drain™. Here is an image of Turf Drain™ being used in tandem with the Bunker Solution system on a course in Texas. The Gulf Coast of Texas can experience some of the heaviest rain events of anywhere in the country. This system does not use gravel, prevents sand contamination, and greatly reduces bunker maintenance costs required from sand migration during rain events. More photos >>

Hillside and Mountain Properties

Hillside applicationHillside and mountain courses present a real challenge in terms of planning the most efficient drainage system. Selecting the right combination of surface and seepage collection tools is critical in achieving the desired results, and getting the most for your drainage dollars spent. These courses present an interesting combination of these drainage problems. Please review Analyzing Drainage Problems & Applying Proper Drainage Techniques to better understand the principles that we follow when planning work on these courses.

Because of the slopes and abundant fall that is typically present on these types of courses, the majority of the drainage installed utilizes conventional reliefs. However, when rocky soil conditions present difficult or impossible digging conditions, only Turf Drainage Company of America has the patented Turf Drain Siphon Systemâ„¢ available. This system gives TDA the ability to drain sites that would be cost prohibitive with conventional drainage. See video >>

 Seaside and Low-Lying Courses

Seaside/Low-Lying installation - Colleton River PlantationSeaside and wetland courses are a specialty at TDA. The patented Turf Drain Siphon Systemâ„¢ is an invaluable tool on these courses, as it allows TDA to design systems with less cost and lower maintenance. The Turf Drain Siphon Systemâ„¢ can be used by itself, or in combination with gravity and pumped systems. No other company has had the experience across the country on these courses that TDA has had.

It isn’t just our Turf Drain Siphon Systemâ„¢ that is a great tool on coastal and flat properties. We have had more experience than any other company in America designing pump sites for properties to be used in conjunction with our siphon and gravity systems. If electricity is difficult to get to a site, we can design a sump that doesn’t require new electrical service. Our Irrigation Driven Pumpsâ„¢ allow you to operate a pump using the energy in your irrigation system. These sumps are dependable, and can save thousands of dollars for remote locations.

Salt-affected Sites

Salt-Affected Sites
The use of drainage can be a major tool in the reduction of accumulated salts in turfgrass.
Drainage in combination with the appropriate flushing of the accumulated salts can achieve significant reduction of the salt levels. For further information on proper flushing procedures we would direct you to the book, “Salt Affected Turfgrass Sites: Assessment and Management” by Dr. Robert Carrow, Ph.D.

Athletic Fields

Athletic Fields

Athletic fields across America can benefit from the same solutions that have made Turf Drainage Company of America the company of choice on America’s best golf courses. Products like the Turf Drain Siphon System and the Chameleon Basin give athletic fields the tools that can help them to drain their fields safely, without the need to reconstruct.