1st Qtr 2015 – Current Projects


Bluejack National Golf Club

Montgomery, TX

Eric Bauer Oversees Construction of New Tiger Woods Course in Montgomery, Texas

Eric Bauer is the energy behind the golf course construction at Bluejack National – the first Tiger Woodsdesigned course to open in the nation. Bluejack National is built on a spectacular undulating property in Montgomery, Texas, north of Houston. Medalist Golf is the contractor, and in addition to the Tiger Woods Design team, Beau Welling and Shane Robichaud are designing the course. The golf course will have one cut of turf featuring firm and fast playing conditions. Everyone was in agreement that with the heavy rainfalls that occur in the Gulf Coast area, drainage was a major priority. Eric chose Turf Drainage Co. of America to manufacture his drainage materials for fairways, tees, and bunkers. The greens will be built to USGA specifications.

Richard Luikens, TDA representative in Texas, and a veteran of golf course construction in the Southwest, said that when completed, the project will have over 90,000 feet of Turf Drain and 175 Perma Basins. Richard explained that the “Turf Drain provided more than 1000 times the open area per linear foot than some of the other methods that were discussed.â€

Turf Drain installation at Bluejack National

“Turf Drain provided more than 1000 times the open area per linear foot than some of the other methods that were discussed.â€

Perma Basin installed at Bluejack National

East Coast

Hound Ears Golf Club

Boone, NC

 Hound Ears Club in Boone, N.C. just completed Phase 2 of a multi-year drainage plan. Oftentimes our customers do a better job of describing the results than we do. Here is a copy of the newsletter that Allen Storie sent out to his members after the completion of Phase 1.

Hound Ears Club - Mowing 10 Fairway

May 16, 2014

Letter to Members

From Allen Storie, Golf Course Superintendent

Hound Ears Golf Club, Boone, NC

Mowing of #10 Fairway

Everyday is considered a great day here at Hound Ears for  the Golf Course Maintenance staff, but today has been marked and noted as one of the greatest of all.  My first daily routine as always, is to check the rain gauges throughout the golf course property so that I will know what work decisions to make for the day, and direct the Golf Course Maintenance staff.  All the rain gauges showed 4.5†of rain this morning.

Ordinarily after receiving a rainfall of this size, we would do different job duties that keep us out of wet areas to not damage the turf.  Pulling weeds, push mowing, edging, and trimming are some of the things we work on in wet conditions.

After inspecting all the areas on fairways where drainage was installed this spring, it took me only a few seconds to realize that these areas were capable of being mowed.  There was no standing water, no “squishing†water under my feet, and no earth worm castings.  Never before, have I ever witnessed #10 fairway at Hound Ears Club or any club that I’ve ever worked at or visited for that matter, of having the capability of mowing within 15hrs of receiving 4.5†of rain.

There are several foot notes that need to be mentioned about the circumstances of us being able to mow #10 fairway this morning.  Firstly, on top of the 4.5†of rain, we had previously the night before received .7†of rain.  That gives us a total of 5.2†of rain within a 48hr period. Secondly, the temperature at the time we were mowing was only 39 degrees and the turf being mowed had not yet received any sun light to aid in dryness. And lastly, there was very little wind gust this morning to help the turf dry.  So given the circumstances I believe makes this capability of mowing even more phenomenal.

A carefully and strategically made drainage plan along with ensuring the installation of the drainage is correct, will increase the capability of being able to maintain the golf course that results in the improvement of playability.

Drainage has been installed on #6 and #10 fairways, and localized problem areas have been drained on #9 and #18 rough.  These areas, can withstand heavy rain fall and flood conditions.  Being able to maintain an entire golf course with this type of drainage system will indeed take Hound Ears to the next level.  I believe the drainage installation throughout the rest of the golf course along with the projects already completed, is one of the best insurance policies a property owner can have. Increased longevity, improved maintenance standards, and improved condition and playability are the results.