Channels and Curbing

[nggallery id=4]Collecting streaming water before it enters a fairway is the least expensive way to solve drainage problems.

The key to effectively collecting surface flow is to convert the flow from sheet flow to stream flow wherever possible. Cart paths often present an ideal opportunity to do this, as water moves across a path towards a fairway. Curbing can direct the water into a concentrated stream to be picked up by surface inlets.


Channel Drain No. 9 at Valhalla

Channel Drain No. 9 at Valhalla


Turf Drainage Company of America manufactures components for this purpose. Channel drains enable you to build a channel inlet as wide as is necessary to accommodate a stream flow or a curb break. If no curb is currently installed, TDA manufactures Drive-Over Rubber Curbing to allow golf carts to easily access the fairways while directing the water to an inlet. Our Drive-Over Rubber Curbing can be retrofitted on concrete or asphalt paths, and is ideal for small areas that don’t justify bringing in a curbing crew.

Channel Drains aren’t just for use along cart paths and around decks. Since these Channel Drains can be installed without pouring a concrete form, they can be used in fairway and rough areas to collect streaming water before it saturates the turf. Turf Drain Channel Drains come with different kits that allow you to fit the basin to your stream. These low profile basins’ ability to collect a wider stream with less visibility is what makes them the product of choice for America’s most prestigious courses.

Drive-Over Rubber CurbingA problem easily solved with curbing and channel drains.

Wide sheet flows can make a mess of fairway areas. With Turf Drain Drive- Over Rubber Curbing, superintendents can inexpensively direct this water to a single basin without interfering with normal cart path traffic patterns. The curbing can be crossed by the golfer with hardly a notice, yet it is effective enough to direct thousands of gallons of water to a well placed inlet. The curbing is inexpensive and can be installed with a standard caulk gun.

Turf Drain Drive-Over Curbing