1st Qtr 2014: Tech Section: Could this be why your green does not drain?

Posted on January 29, 2014September 6, 2024Categories TECHNICALTags , , , , ,


Do you have 17 well-drained greens, and one that doesn’t perform up to the others, and you aren’t sure why?

 In traveling the country for 30 years looking at drainage problems, I periodically run into a poorly drained green on a golf course that otherwise has greens that drain properly. There are the obvious “problem greens” where the superintendent has already identified shade as the culprit. This is usually a situation where, at first glance, there doesn’t appear to be any reasons that its performance should be subpar.  

In trying to help the superintendent determine what might be different on his problem green, I always start with questions related to possible problems with the outfall piping. Is it

ON DISPLAY at the GIS Show in Las Vegas, TDA Booth 2264

Posted on February 27, 2012September 6, 2024Categories PRODUCT, TECHNICALTags , , , , ,

If you are attending the GIS show in Las Vegas this week, please come by and visit. We will have our wildly popular Irrigation Driven Pumps on display. These are the drainage pumps that you can install anywhere on your course without having to run electrical service to the site. 


In addition, we will have our flagship product Turf Drain, along with the patented Perma Basin, Channel Drains, and the Turf Drain Siphon System, plus many other items from our line on display.

Why NO drainage system can “wick” water

Posted on December 12, 2011September 6, 2024Categories PRODUCT, TECHNICALTags , , ,

There has always been a lot of misunderstanding about where The Turf Drain Siphon System has applications. We are often asked if it works by “wicking” water off of the soil. The answer is no.

The Turf Drain Siphon System is a transportation system, not a collection system. In a later newsletter, we will discuss where and when it has advantages over other transportation systems. However, the purpose of this article is to clear up the notion that any drainage system can “wick” water. There are various claims by manufacturers and installers of other drainage products and systems that they wick water, or pull water from the soil profile. Either these claims are made to purposefully oversell their products, or

Tech Section: Turf Drain Siphon System

Posted on September 26, 2011September 6, 2024Categories TECHNICALTags , ,

In our last Tech Section, “Why NO Drainage System Can Wick Water,†we promised that in a future newsletter we would talk about when the Turf Drain Siphon System had application.

There is much misunderstanding as to when and why someone should use a siphon as opposed to a gravity relief. The first thing that we should clarify is that the Turf Drain Siphon System is a transportation system, and not a collection system. However, having said that, a siphon basin does have the ability to collect surface water through its open inlet, and seepage water through its permeable sidewalls. But these collection components aren’t the determining factor as to when it should be used. The primary factor that determines …