February 2017: Valhalla Implements the Third Phase of TDA Drainage Plan

Posted on February 6, 2017September 6, 2024Categories CUSTOMER PROFILE, PROJECTSTags ,


Roger Meier, Golf Course Superintendent at Valhalla Golf Club, is a busy man. Since arriving at Valhalla in 20110, he has overseen the reconstruction of all of the greens, practice range, renovation of all primary rough areas; along with adding/renovating all of the bunkers, and the installation of a state of the art irrigation system. He has hosted 2 major championships (Senior PGA Championship in 20111 and the 2014 PGA Championship). In his spare time, he serves as President of the Kentuckiana Golf Course Superintendents Association and the Board for the Kentucky Turfgrass Council.

In addition to all of this, he is making steady progress towards implementing the TDA drainage plan that was done for Valhalla in 2011. …

February 2017: Understanding Water Tables and The Capillary Fringe

Posted on February 4, 2017September 6, 2024Categories PRODUCTTags , ,


There are three types of seepage water. They are seepage water from lack of velocity, seepage water from a hillside spring, and seepage water from a high water table. Detailed descriptions of each of these can be found in “Analyzing Drainage Problems and Applying Proper Drainage Techniques.†The reason that it is necessary to distinguish between the three types of seepage water is that each water type requires a different installation depth to be effective.

This article will focus on the third type of seepage water, which is seepage water from a high water table. The permanent water table is called the “Phreatic water table,†and is the level …

February 2017: Berkeley Hall Club, Bluffton, SC

Posted on February 4, 2017September 6, 2024Categories CUSTOMER PROFILE, PRODUCT, PROJECTSTags , , , , ,


Berkeley Hall Club in Bluffton, S.C. is an incredible facility. The two Fazio courses are demanding enough to host the best amateurs in the country each year at “The Players Amateur,†but enjoyable enough that the national membership makes plays year round. The course is maintained to the highest standards, and the “Berkeley Hall Experience†comes with the expectation of facilities and service at the highest level.

A wet winter in 2016 was keeping Chris Young, CGCS and “Director of Golf Maintenance,†from providing the product that he knew was expected from the membership. He contacted Pat O’Brien, regional agronomist with the USGA, and Pat suggested that he contact TDA. Dennis Hurley and Mickey McCord prepared a plan in …

Tech Section: Turf Drain Siphon System

Posted on September 26, 2011September 6, 2024Categories TECHNICALTags , ,

In our last Tech Section, “Why NO Drainage System Can Wick Water,†we promised that in a future newsletter we would talk about when the Turf Drain Siphon System had application.

There is much misunderstanding as to when and why someone should use a siphon as opposed to a gravity relief. The first thing that we should clarify is that the Turf Drain Siphon System is a transportation system, and not a collection system. However, having said that, a siphon basin does have the ability to collect surface water through its open inlet, and seepage water through its permeable sidewalls. But these collection components aren’t the determining factor as to when it should be used. The primary factor that determines …